Here are the details of the points obtained on each indicator in 2024 :

Bottega Veneta Points obtained Maximum number of points for calculable indicators
1- pay gap (in %) 39 40
2- individual salary increase gaps (in % points or equivalent number of employees) 35 35
3- percentage of employees receiving salary increase after returning from maternity leave (in %) 0 15
4- number of employees of the under-represented gender among the 10 highest compensations 10 10
Total calculable indicators 84 100
NDEX (out of 100 points) 84 100

Objectives for Bottega Veneta to improve its performance on the Gender Equality Index indicators

Objective n°1: Pay gap indicator target

We continue to ensure gender pay equity at the time of hiring and throughout employees' careers within the company, in order to reduce the pay gap between men and women that cannot be explained by factors that may legitimately influence salary levels (such as the level of responsibility, experience, professional field, etc.). In 2024, the pay gap significantly decreases and is in favor of women.

Objective n° 2: Return from maternity leave indicator target

We are committed to supporting parenthood by assisting parents and promoting an egalitarian culture. Since 2020, the Baby Leave program has allowed all parents, regardless of gender or family situation, to benefit from 14 weeks of paid parental leave when they welcome a new child. This policy aims to combat gender stereotypes faced by women when applying for a new job, seeking a promotion, or wishing to develop their careers. In 2024, the loss of points on this indicator is due to the granting of a promotion before taking maternity leave, and not due to the return from maternity leave in 2024.

Bottega Veneta will continue to take the necessary steps to maintain or improve all these indicators as part of its commitment to gender equality in the workplace.